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发表于 2012-1-7 22:13:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    电流会因电容容量的大小而不同.即电流表指针会根据被测电容的容量作相应的偏转,也就是说,电容容量与线路电流的比例是线性的。就像用于测量电压和电流的万用表。    ’
    将元器件安装在一块印刷电路板上,555集成块用一只插座连接,以备在需要时方便替换。连接线路要尽可能短,否则线路的杂散电容会降低测量的精度。    ’

Capacitance Meter
    This project is complex,However,when finished,you will have an instrument capable of measuring all but the largest capacitors used in radio circuits.Unlike variable resistors.most variable capacitors are not marked with their values.As well.the markings of capacitors from salvaged equipment often rub off.By being able to  measure these unmarked components,this project will  prove useful to the constructor.vintage radio enthusiast  or.antenna experimenter.
    The common 555 timer IC forms the heart of the circuit(Figure Three).Its function is to charge the unknown capacitor(Cx)to a fixed voltage.The capacitor is then discharged into the meter circuit.The meter the current being drawn through the 47 ohm resistor.The 555 repeats the process several times a second.SO that the meter needle remains steady.
    The deflection on the meter is directly proportional to the value of the unknown capacitor.This means that the scale is linear.1ike the voltage and current ranges on an analogue multi-meter.
    The meter has five.ranges,from l00pF to luF,selected by a,five position two pole switch.In addition,there is a x10 switch for measuring higher values and a divide——by·—two facility to allow a better indication on the meter where the capacitor being measured is just above 100,1000pF,0.01,0.1 or 1uF.
    Component values are critical.For best accuracy,it is desirable that the nine resistors wired to the Range  switch have a tolerance.If 0A47 diodes are not available .try OA91 or OA95 germanium diodes instead.Construct the meter in a plastic box;one that is about the size of your multi-meter but deeper is ideal. The meter movement should as large as your budget allows you will be using it to indicate exact values.The  meter you buy will have a scale of 0 to 50 microamperes .This scale needs to he converted to read 0 to 100 (ie 20,40,60,80,100 instead of 10,20,30,40,50).use of white correction fluid or small pieces of paper  will help here.
    The components can be mounted on a piece of  printed circuit board.Use a socket for the IC should replacement ever be needed.Keep wires short to minimize  stray capacitance:stray capacitance reduces accuracy.
    Calibrating the completed meter can be done in  conjunction with a ready—built capacitance meter.Failing  this,a selection of capacitors of known value,as  measured on a laboratory meter could be used.If neither of these options are available,simply buy several  capacitors of the same value and use the one which is  nearest the average as your standard reference.Use several standards to verify accuracy on all ranges.   
    To calibrate,disable both the xl0 and divide—by—two functions (ie both switches open).Then connect one of your reference capacitors and switch to an appropriate range.Vary the setting of the 47k trimpot。until the meter is reading the exact value of the capacitor, Then switch in the divide—by—two function.This should change the reading on the meter.Adjust the 1Ok trimpot so that the needle shows exactly twice the original reading.For example,if you used a 0.01 uF reference,and the meter read 10 on the 0.1 uF range.it should now read 20.Now switch out the divide—by-two function.
  If you are not doing so already,change to a reference  with a value equal to one of the ranges(eg 1000pF,0.0luF,0.1uF etc).Switch to the range equal to that value(ie the meter reads full—scale(100)when that capacitor is being measured.Switching in the x10 function should cause the meter indication to drop significantly.Adjust the 470 ohm trimpot so that the meter reads 10.Move down one range(eg from 0.01uF to 1000pF).The meter should read 100 again.If it does not.vary the 470 ohm trimpot until it does.That completes the calibration of the capacitance meter.Now try measuring other components to confirm that the measurements are reasonable.

    With care.an accuracy of five percent or better should be possible on most ranges.
    Use X10 switch to measure up 10uF.  Use X0.5 switch for better readings on low values.


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